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    Re: Internal Error during the instance creation

    • Last Update:2014-12-26
    • Version:001
    • Language:en


    Your parameters seems wrong or incompatible with the software release you are using (or the SR is just broken), please double check those parameters and the branch you are actually using.

    There is someone which is looks like to expect a dictionary but you are passing a string...


    From: Wenjie ZHENG


     Following is the instance.log from /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/instance.log.

     Please have a look, thank you. 


    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,592] DEBUG Loading config: /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/etc//slapos.cfg

    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,592] INFO Processing computer partitions...
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,594] DEBUG Supervisord already running.
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,611] DEBUG Check if slappart0 requires processing...
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,611] INFO Processing Computer Partition slappart0.
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,611] INFO Software URL: /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv//runner/project/
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,611] INFO Software path: /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,612] INFO Instance path: /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/instance
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,612] INFO Instance status: started
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,612] INFO Installing Computer Partition slappart0...
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,613] DEBUG Overridden HOME = '/srv/slapgrid/slappart2'
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,613] DEBUG Removed from environment: LOGNAME, PYTHONPATH, USER
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,613] DEBUG Copying '/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c40
    5d547ae923bc1ea845ec78921/template.cfg' to u'/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/instance/slappa
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,614] WARNING Falling back to default buildout '/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/sr
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,614] DEBUG Set umask from 022 to 027
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,615] DEBUG Invoking: '/opt/slapgrid/21707b8ffd95105c39093305f51d3d71/pa
    rts/python2.7/bin/python2.7 -S /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405d547ae923bc1
    ea845ec78921/bin/buildout -U' in directory u'/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/instance/slappa


    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,615] DEBUG Overridden HOME = u'/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/insta
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,615] DEBUG Removed from environment:
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,616] DEBUG Running as uid = 996, gid = 1003, dropping not needed and no
    t possible
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,618] INFO Running as uid = 996, gid = 1003, dropping not needed and no
    t possible
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,856] INFO /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405d547ae92
    24: UserWarning: Module argparse was already imported from /opt/slapgrid/21707b8ffd95105c390933
    05f51d3d71/parts/python2.7/lib/python2.7/argparse.pyc, but /srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/s
    oftware/ec80c405d547ae923bc1ea845ec78921/eggs/argparse-1.2.2-py2.7.egg is being added to
    [2014-12-26 15:45:24,856] INFO ws.add(dist)
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,135] INFO Uninstalling slap-configuration.
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,135] INFO Installing slap-configuration.
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,136] INFO Installing dynamic-template-erp5.
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO While:

    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO Installing dynamic-template-erp5. 

    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildou
    t or in a
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO recipe being used:
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO Traceback (most recent call last):
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405
    y", line 2157, in main
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO getattr(buildout, command)(args)
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405
    y", line 802, in install
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO installed_files = self[part]._call(recipe.install)
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,192] INFO File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405
    y", line 1588, in _call
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO return f()
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405
    d547ae923bc1ea845ec78921/eggs/slapos.recipe.template-2.6-py2.7.egg/slapos/recipe/template/jinja", line 219, in install
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO **self.context
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405
    d547ae923bc1ea845ec78921/eggs/Jinja2-2.7.3-py2.7.egg/jinja2/", line 969, in rende


    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO return self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO File "/srv/slapgrid/slappart2/srv/runner/software/ec80c405
    d547ae923bc1ea845ec78921/eggs/Jinja2-2.7.3-py2.7.egg/jinja2/", line 742, in handl
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO File "<template>", line 58, in top-level template code
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,193] INFO UndefinedError: 'unicode object' has no attribute 'setdefaul
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,208] ERROR Failed to run buildout profile in directory u'/srv/slapgrid/
    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,208] DEBUG Restore umask from 027 to 022

    [2014-12-26 15:45:25,212] INFO Finished computer partitions.