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    Re: Looking for a free partition

    • Last Update:2016-03-18
    • Version:001
    • Language:en


    SlapOS is failing to build OpenBLAS in your distro. We mostly test software releases on debian and CentoOS distribution. Which one are you using ?

    Here is the error message:

    Makefile.system:393: *** OpenBLAS: Cannot set both USE_OPENMP=1 and USE_THREAD=0. The USE_THREAD=0 is only for building single thread version.. Stop.
    [2016-03-16 20:17:08,116] INFO openblas: Command failed with exit code 2: make BINARY="$(uname -m | grep -q x86_64 && echo 64 || echo 32)" NO_STATIC=1 USE_OPENMP=1 USE_THREAD=1 || (make -j1 clean && make BINARY="$(uname -m | grep -q x86_64 && echo 64 || echo 32)" NO_STATIC=1 USE_OPENMP=1 USE_THREAD=1 TARGET=GENERIC)
    [2016-03-16 20:17:08,116] INFO openblas: Compilation error. The package is left as is at /opt/slapgrid/bcb8fbfbae583c14297f14ec8ebc3724/parts/openblas__compile__/OpenBLAS-0.2.15 where you can inspect what went wrong


    You are compiling from this version of openblas component:

    Are you using a debian machine ? so I can try to reproduce the error.


    Alain Takoudjou